
New lead-grid manufacturing system

The first element of the new technology is the uniqe lead grid producing machine which is able to manufacture the grids with better parameters than ever .


  • Optionally, according to alloys of lead or pure (not-alloyed) lead capable of processing
  • Optimal form for current ways – minimal inner resistence
  • Increased electrochemical active surface – remarcable reduction in volume and in weight.
  • The common outcome of above:

…The answer from Blewin… (Materiel: pure lead.) 


Az ólomrácsgyártó gép ilyenre is képes.

The lead grating production machine is also capable of this.


A jelenleg gyártott rácsok fajtái.

The types of grids manufactured currently


Jól látható a korrens rácsszerkezet.

The current grid structure is clearly visible